Children & Young Adults
We welcome children and young people to join us - they are our future - and we have special reduced rates for children under 18 on 1st September.
During the season we hold a Children's meet, when the day is specifically aimed at children coming out to have fun and learn about trail hunting, and where all our other followers take a hand in helping with this. These meets can be a very good starting point.
Whilst our aim is for our sport to be safe and enjoyable, horse riding and trail hunting are risk sports and involve travelling quite long distances across country that may not be familiar. All newcomers of any age are welcome to join us, and it is worthwhile taking note of the details below:
No children under 4 years of age are permitted to be mounted on a trail hunting day.
Children between 4 and 6 years of age should be on a lead rein with a parent or guardian on foot, and to be wearing a body protector and kite marked hat.
Children between 7 and of 16 years of age should be accompanied by a mounted adult who takes responsibility for that child for the entire day and to be wearing a body protector and kite marked hat.
No more than 2 children per adult supervision ratio is acceptable.
The only exception is at the Children's meet when all adults in the hunting field participate in looking after the children.
We recommend inexperienced young adults over 16 are also escorted for their first few days trail hunting, until they feel fully confident and have got to know some of their contemporaries and adult followers.
If you don't hunt yourself, or have a friend or family member who can act as escort, please get in touch with the hunt secretary as sometimes we have experienced followers who will escort children if arrangements are made in advance.
Please ensure there is a slip of paper in you child's pocket with the name of a parent or guardian and a mobile phone number in case we need to make contact during the day.
A parent or guardian must be present for the duration of the day and be contactable if needed. Please don't drop your child off at the meet and then disappear off for the day.
It is helpful to the hunt secretary if cap money or field money is prepared in advance and handed over in an envelope with the child's name on the front.
We do encourage non-riding parents or guardians to follow on foot, bicycle or by car.
All children who come trail hunting are encouraged to join the Pony Club and take their hunting certificate test.