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The Hurworth Hunt Code of Conduct 



This code of conduct is to ensure that all members / subscribers, visitors and followers of the Hurworth Hunt behave with courtesy, respect and good manners towards each other, hunt officials, and members of the hunt.


Persons and risks that could be expected to apply and be protected by this code of conduct include grooms / horsebox and trailer drivers, horses, riders, pedestrians, members of the public, road users, car followers, hounds and hunt staff, masters, agents or representatives of the hunt.


Equestrianism is a high risk sport and presents inherent risk of injury to participants and bystanders.


This document is to assist you to reduce risk to yourself or others, but cannot remove risk of potential personal injury, death, or accidental damage to property.



Hurworth Hunt Guidance


On Horse or Pony

  1. Remain with the Field Master of the day and abide by his or her instructions.  Only go where you have permission.

  2. Respect land and land owners at all times, keep off verges, mown areas, seeded fields or other crops.

  3. Any damage must be reported immediately to a Master or hunt official.

  4. Gates must be shut / secured at all times.

  5. Hunt followers are required where possible to download the WHAT 3 WORDS app to enable safe location of any injured person in case of accident.


Children on Horseback

  1. No children under 4 years of age are permitted to be mounted on a trail hunting day within the participants.

  2. Children between 4 and 6 years of age should be, if mounted, on a lead rein with a parent or guardian on foot and to be wearing a body protector and kite marked hat.

  3. Children between 7 and 16 years of age should be accompanied by a mounted adult who takes responsibility for that child for the entire day, and to be wearing a body protector and kite marked hat.

  4. No more than 2 children per adult supervision ratio is acceptable.

  5. All children or young persons aged 18 and under to wear a kite marked hat.

  6. The industry standard kite mark is BSEN1384 or PAS015 or American ASTMF1163 and VGI BSI.


The Hurworth Hunt takes the supervision of minors very seriously and so will be intolerant of failure to abide by the Hurworth Hunt code of conduct policy.


Car Followers / Motor Vehicles

  1. Vehicles must always be driven legally and safely with due care and attention, and with courtesy of other road users and the public.

  2. Vehicles must not drive on mown grass, block drives or gateways.

  3. When parking, all hunt followers must park on one side of the road to prevent delay or accidents to other road users.


On Foot

  1. Respect farmland, livestock, and fences / hedges, and property, and shut gates.

  2. Consider whether they  / you are welcome rather than simply walking anywhere following hounds, with or without dogs.

  3. All dogs to be kept on leads.

  4. Please do not point, or holloa, or shout as hounds are trail hunting.



All supporters and followers should take care and consideration of each other and of the reputation of the Hunt. 

Breaches of these codes of conduct are likely to jeopardise good will, access to private land, and damage the hunt's reputation and the future for others. 

All of us represent the Hurworth Hunt at all times and the hunting and countryside community both locally and across the country. 

Always support the hunt, and any of its activities quietly, diligently, and with good manners.


Thank you!







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